Sunday, 30 August 2015 / Published in Uncategorized
Hand and wrist complaints Hand and wrist complaints can be very annoying. Complaints might arise after a fall or spontaneous at work. Is it RSI or the beginning of Osteoarthritis? Your Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (OMT) will review your complaint, because wrist complaints occur seldomly on their own. Even if the compaints arose traumaticly a reaction
Sunday, 30 August 2015 / Published in Uncategorized
RSI (CANS) Not one pain syndrome gained as much popularity over the last few years as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). RSI is also known as CANS (Complaints Arm Neck Shoulder). RSI is a pain syndrome where pain and other complaints occur in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, hands and fingers. In short the entire arm.
RSI (KANS) Er is bijna geen syndroom de laatste jaren zo bekend geworden als RSI. RSI is een verzameling van klachten (syndroom) waarbij pijn en andere klachten optreden aan de nek, schouders, armen, ellebogen, polsen, handen of vingers (kortom de bovenste extremiteiten). Aan de klachten is een periode van overbelasting vooraf gegaan. RSI-klachten zijn zodanig