
Headache is a very common condition; everyone suffers from it at one time or another. Headache is also a very variable condition, for some it is over in a few hours, while for others it can last for days.

Did you know that not every headache is the same and that there are many different types of headaches?

In this blog, we will talk a little more about what different types of headaches there are. Also, through this blog, you can click onward to the headache forms that are most common in our practice.

Classification of headaches

As mentioned earlier, there are different forms of headaches. To keep track of the many different forms of headaches, a classification was created called: the International Classification of Headache Diseases, better known as the ICHD-3 (the third version was recently released, hence the number three).

A distinction is made between primary, secondary, and tertiary headaches. For convenience, we only list the headache types that we may encounter in practice:

You can read more about migraine, tension-type headaches, and cervicogenic headaches in the relevant blog articles.

Medication overuse headache is a special type of headache because logically we cannot treat it. This is because the headache is the side effect of the medication. Nevertheless, it may be the case that someone with this form of headache reports to our practice. Therefore, if you visit us with headache complaints, we always ask about the use of medication. Especially the frequency of use of the medication in question.

Do you suffer from headaches or have doubts about whether you can come to us with your symptoms? Feel free to contact us via the contact form or call one of our practices. We will be happy to talk to you and, if necessary, make an appointment with you at one of our practices near you.

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