Sunday, 30 August 2015 / Published in Uncategorized
Elbow complaints The elbow is a complex joint which connects the lower arm to the upper arm. There are multiple causes possible voor elbow complaints. After a fracture of the wrist, lower arm or upper arm or any other traumatic injury the elbow can be limited in function and movement. The Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (OMT)
Sunday, 30 August 2015 / Published in Uncategorized
Hand and wrist complaints Hand and wrist complaints can be very annoying. Complaints might arise after a fall or spontaneous at work. Is it RSI or the beginning of Osteoarthritis? Your Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (OMT) will review your complaint, because wrist complaints occur seldomly on their own. Even if the compaints arose traumaticly a reaction
Saturday, 01 August 2015 / Published in Tenniselleboog
Elleboogklachten De elleboog is een complex gewricht dat de verbinding vormt tussen de onderarm en de bovenarm. Er zijn meerdere oorzaken mogelijk voor elleboogklachten. Na een breuk van pols, onderarm of bovenarm of na ander traumatisch letsel kan de elleboog beperkt worden in beweging. Op secure wijze kan de OMT-er de verschillende gewrichten weer soepel