Elbow complaints The elbow is a complex joint which connects the lower arm to the upper arm. There are multiple causes possible voor elbow complaints. After a fracture of the wrist, lower arm or upper arm or any other traumatic injury the elbow can be limited in function and movement. The Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (OMT)
Hand and wrist complaints Hand and wrist complaints can be very annoying. Complaints might arise after a fall or spontaneous at work. Is it RSI or the beginning of Osteoarthritis? Your Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (OMT) will review your complaint, because wrist complaints occur seldomly on their own. Even if the compaints arose traumaticly a reaction
RSI (CANS) Not one pain syndrome gained as much popularity over the last few years as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). RSI is also known as CANS (Complaints Arm Neck Shoulder). RSI is a pain syndrome where pain and other complaints occur in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, hands and fingers. In short the entire arm.
Hip/pelvic complaints Hip/pelvic complaints occur at all ages and both male and (pregnant) female. Complaints in the hip joint are usually pointed out in the inguinal area. Complaints related to the pelvis can be felt both at the front and back of the pubic bone, the side (generally referred to as ‘the hip’) or in
Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is generally also known as the wearing of the joints. It’s a disease that affects the cartilage in a joint and makes the joint more stiff. However a joint isn’t really ‘worn’, the cartilage in a joint has some restorative capabilities and is constantly renewed. The stiffness in the joints that accompanies osteoarthritis
Knee complaints Is your knee blocked? Do you experience pain or did you underwent surgery recently? Or is it simply pain in the popliteal area? The knee joint is subject to a lot of forces being one of the joints between the trunk and the surface. Sometimes there is an obvious traumatic moment and there
Headache Headache complaints are seldomly caused by a disease in the head itself. An Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (OMT) can determine if manual therapy can reduce or even take away your headache complaints. If, after a physical examination, the primary cause for your complaints isn’t a limitation of ‘Range of Motion’ (ROM) in a joint or
Ankle complaints The bones in a joint can stretch out the capsules, ligaments and muscles severely when an unanticipated movement occurs. When this is very painful and the joint in question (e.g. finger, wrist, knee or ankle) swells rapidly, we call this a sprain. If after the acute stadium there still is limited ‘Range of
Shin splints Shin splints occur mostly in athletes and people whom stand for too long. One of the primary causes of shin splints is the wearing of incorrect and not enough cushioning footwear. Shin splints can be recognized by pain alongside the medial edge of the tibial bone, usually between the middle and lower third
Back complaints The spine consists of lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebrae. Between every two vertebrae an intervertebral disc makes sure that every shock or load is absorbed when sitting, standing, walking or running. The vertebrae are connected to one another bij small joints, called facet joints. Every thoracic vertebra has its associated ribs with
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