

Nobody should live with permanent complaints of the locomotive system. If you have complex or chronic complaints which have been unsuccessfully treated, then we would be happy to welcome you to our practice. The difference between Orthomedix and other medical professionals is that we are able to evaluate your complex complaint through a variety of specializations. Given that we work closely with medical specialists, we are able to analyse each pathology or complaint from different perspectives. If needed, this enables us to establish an objective and correct diagnoses by means of CT-scans, MRI-scans or echography.

Inguinal complaints

Click here for more information

Conservative revalidation

Click here for more information

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS)

Click here for more information

Een afspraak maken kunt u eenvoudig doen door het onderstaande formulier in te vullen of te bellen naar een van onze praktijken.